Treatment & Techniques

in Sports, Spine, Muscle & Joint Care
We have a hands-on approach to therapy; ensuring you receive the right services for your injury or condition. We work with you in our comfortable, relaxing therapy center with private treatment rooms.

Stop the pain
Don’t agree to tolerate the pain. Stop by for an examination and medical counseling.
Here is a list of some of the methods we use at Clifton Park Physical Therapy
The McKenzie Method is not merely extension exercises. In its truest sense, McKenzie is a comprehensive approach to the spine based on sound principles and fundamentals, that when understood and followed accordingly are very successful. In fact, most remarkable, but least appreciated, is the McKenzie assessment process.
– MELT Incorporates a variety of direct and indirect patient pending techniques that each fall under one of the R’s of MELT: Reconnect, Rebalance, Rehydrate and Release.
Myofascial Release is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain. The therapy relaxes contracted muscles, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulates the stretch reflex in muscles.
Soft Tissue Mobilization is also a soft tissue therapy to lengthen tightened muscles and/or decrease scar tissue. Like, myofascial release, it increases circulation and promotes healing. Instrumented assisted techniques can be used for soft tissue mobilization if warranted.
Manual techniques are often used in conjunction with other modalities at CPPT. In general, manual physical therapy techniques use different types of movements such as soft tissue mobilizations, joint mobs, and other specific hands-on techniques. These techniques are used to treat stuck connective tissue, limited joint mobility, and relaxation of muscle, improvement of circulation, breaking up scar tissue and reducing pain in soft tissue.
Sports rehabilitation incorporates a strengthening and stretching exercise program depending on each individual’s needs. The entire body is taken into account to allow each individual to return to sport in a timely manner and to prevent any future re-occurrences.
Neuromuscular rehabilitation is a specialized treatment program to help eliminate pain and physical restrictions while improving strength. Our ultimate goal is to restore full function to allow individual to return to activities of daily living. Some conditions and diagnoses include: post-stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, balance and walking deficits, neuropathy, etc.
Therapeutic exercise refers to a wide range of physical activities that focuses on restoring and maintaining strength, endurance, flexibility, and stability. At CPPT our goal is to regain full function in a pain-free state using our wide knowledge of biomechanics and kinesiology to design the most appropriate therapeutic exercise program for each individualized patient.
Like sports rehabilitation, sport specific training includes a unique exercise regime depending upon the athlete’s specific needs. Strengths, weaknesses, muscle imbalances, and body mechanics are examined and corrected to further patient results for adequate athletic performance.
Post surgical protocols are used in conjunction with your MD guidelines to make sure each healing phase is advanced properly.
Depending on patient need, different types of tape can be utilized to promote healing and blood flow, decrease edema, inhibit/facilitate a muscle, and/or correct body mechanics. Taping techniques can be progressed through all healing phases.
Graston technique is used by our trained therapists to detect and treat soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. This form of evidence-based instrument -assisted soft tissue mobilization allows our clinicians to work with scar tissue and fascia to restore range of motion reducing symptoms quickly and effectively
Mobilizations are a manual therapy technique comprising a continuum of skilled passive movements to the joint complex that are applied at varying speeds and amplitudes, that may include a small-amplitude/ high velocity therapeutic movement (manipulation) with the intent to restore optimal motion, function, and/ or to reduce pain.Mobilizations and therapeutic exercises may include:
- Agility Training
- Balance training (static & dynamic)
- Body mechanics training
- Breathing exercises
- Coordination exercises
- Gait and locomotion training
- Neuromuscular Re-education
- Postural stabilization
- ROM exercises & soft tissue stretching
- Relaxation exercises
- Strength, power & endurance exercises
The Best Care is on your side

Innovative Equipment
WHAT IS LASER THERAPY? Laser therapy is a non-invasive technique that utilizes a therapeutic dose of light to promote cellular healing and decrease inflammation. It provides a deeper, more targeted effect that reduces pain and restores normal range of motion to the dysfunctional area.
Personal Treatment
Many of the common reasons people get physical therapy are varied but here are the most common: reduce or eliminate pain, avoid surgery, improve mobility, recover from stroke, recover from a sports injury, improve balance strength muscles to prevent falls, pre-diabetes management, managing age related issues.
Focused Care
Physical therapists are movement experts who improve quality of life through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education. ... Physical therapists examine each person and then develops a treatment plan to improve their ability to move, reduce or manage pain, restore function, and prevent disability.
Care After Surgery
Following surgery, bones, muscles and soft tissues undergo a period healing. Failure to use the joint may cause it to heal improperly. This can limit range of motion, flexibility, function of the joint and overall surgical outcome. This makes it essential to complete physical therapy after a surgery.
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